Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eco in Israel

Waiting to enter!!!
Umberto Eco is giving a lecture in Tel Aviv University
"The Confessions of a Young Novelist"

...but where is he? Everybody is waiting to enter! NO more seats!!! Hundreds of people in the entrance hall, others outside in front of the sliding glass doors that don't slide anymore.
In Israel, invitations are on big scale, organisation on minimal scale. Is it a game of power or just planning for the size of an ant? Closing doors in front of the guests is the new method of attracting more people? Sometimes it works... 

The Locals

Students, professors and guests waiting

Is there any chance?

Hopeless and tired

Hands up!

Better eat than just look!

Guards enjoying

The animator

What a public event! A manifestation!

Can't see the light!

Finally I decided to leave this event, because there was no chance to enter. The power of the guardian is what matters in the end. Therefor I went outside to enjoy the springtime and a good coffee.

Actually, there where many other huge halls at the University Campus of Tel Aviv. Maybe it wasn't expected that Eco will be such a super star. Originally, he was invited to the International Book fair in Jerusalem. There was a whole week session of famous writers, some of them Romanians.  The lecture in Tel Aviv University was just an extra add to Umberto Eco's trip and success among intellectuals of Israel.